var discord = require("discord.js"); var colors = require("colors"); var moment = require("moment-timezone"); var process = require("process"); var fs = require("fs"); var https = require("https"); var cmdsplit = require("./cmdsplit"); var Radio = require("./Radio"); var MongoClient = require("mongodb").MongoClient; function findCommand(obj, cmdID) { var cmdName = "onCmd" + cmdID; var cmdRegex = new RegExp("^" + cmdName + "$", "i"); var prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); var props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype); for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var key = props[i]; if (!key.startsWith("onCmd")) { continue; } if (key.match(cmdRegex)) { return obj[key]; } } return null; } class RedditRadio { constructor(config) { this.config = config; this.readyPromises = []; || "Europe/Amsterdam"); console.log('Discord.js version', discord.version); this.client = new discord.Client({ intents: [ // List of intents: discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MEMBERS, discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_BANS, discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES, discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS, discord.Intents.FLAGS.DIRECT_MESSAGES, ], }); this.client.on("messageCreate", (msg) => { this.onMessage(msg, false); }); this.client.on("messageUpdate", (oldMsg, newMsg) => { this.onMessageUpdate(oldMsg, newMsg); }); this.client.on("messageDelete", (msg) => { this.onMessageDelete(msg); }); this.client.on("guildMemberAdd", (member) => { this.onMemberJoin(member); }); this.readyPromises.push(this.client.login(this.config.discord.token)); this.modules = []; if (this.config.database) { this.mongoclient = new MongoClient(this.config.database.url, { useUnifiedTopology: true }); this.readyPromises.push(this.mongoclient.connect()); } /** @type {discord.TextChannel} */ this.logChannel = null; /** @type {discord.TextChannel} */ this.dmChannel = null; /** @type {discord.TextChannel} */ this.errorChannel = null; } loadConfigModules() { if (!this.config.modules) { return; } for (var name in this.config.modules) { var moduleClass = require('./modules/' + name); if (!moduleClass) { console.error('Unable to find module with name "' + name + '"!'); continue; } var configs = this.config.modules[name]; console.log('Module: "' + name + '" (' + configs.length + ' instances)'); for (let config of configs) { var newModule = new moduleClass(config, this.client, this); this.modules.push(newModule); } } } onReady() { /* this.client.guilds.cache.tap(guild => { guild.members.fetch().then(() => { console.log('Cached ' + guild.members.size + ' members in ' +; }); }); */ this.client.user.setActivity(this.config.discord.activity); this.client.channels.fetch(this.config.discord.logchannel).then(logChannel => this.logChannel = logChannel); this.client.channels.fetch(this.config.discord.dmchannel).then(dmChannel => this.dmChannel = dmChannel); this.client.channels.fetch(this.config.discord.errorchannel).then(errorChannel => this.errorChannel = errorChannel); if (this.mongoclient) { this.mongodb = this.mongoclient.db(this.config.database.db); console.log("Database connected."); } console.log("Client ready, loading modules..."); this.loadConfigModules(); console.log("Modules loaded!"); setInterval(() => { this.onTick(); }, 1000); } start() { Promise.all(this.readyPromises).then(() => { this.onReady(); }).catch((err) => { console.error(err); }); } stop() { var promises = []; console.log("Stopping client..."); promises.push(this.client.destroy()); if (this.mongoclient) { console.log("Stopping MongoDB..."); promises.push(this.mongoclient.close()); } Promise.all(promises).then(() => { console.log("Client stopped."); process.exit(); }); } addLogMessage(text, fromMember) { if (!this.logChannel) { console.log("Couldn't log because we couldn't find the log channel:", text); return; } if (fromMember) { text += " (via " + fromMember.user.username + ")"; } console.log("Log: " + text); this.logChannel.send(":robot: " + text); } /** * Checks if the given member is an admin. * @param {discord.GuildMember} member */ isAdmin(member) { return member.permissions.has(discord.Permissions.FLAGS.ADMINISTRATOR); } /** * Checks if the given member is a moderator. * @param {discord.GuildMember} member */ isMod(member) { return member.permissions.has(discord.Permissions.FLAGS.MANAGE_MESSAGES); } onTick() { for (var i = 0; i < this.modules.length; i++) { var m = this.modules[i]; if (m.onTick) { m.onTick(); } } } onMemberJoin(member) { console.log("User joined: " + member + " (" + member.user.username + ")"); for (var i = 0; i < this.modules.length; i++) { var m = this.modules[i]; if (m.onMemberJoin) { m.onMemberJoin(member); } } } handleError(ex) { console.log(ex); if (this.errorChannel) { this.errorChannel.send(":octagonal_sign: Bot error!\n```\n" + ex.toString() + "\n```"); } } /** * @param {discord.Message} msg * @param {Boolean} edited */ async onMessage(msg, edited) { // Ignore our own messages if ( == this.client.user) { return; } // Ignore DM's if (msg.member === null && msg.guild === null) { // Log DM's var logUsername = + '#' +; console.warn("Ignored a DM from " + logUsername.brightWhite + ": \"" + msg.content + "\""); // Send DM's to the DM channel if (this.dmChannel) { this.dmChannel.send(":mailbox_with_mail: " + + ": `" + msg.content + "`"); } return; } // Ignore webhooks if (msg.webhookID) { console.warn("Ignored webhook: \"" + msg.content + "\""); return; } // Ensure we have a member (sometimes this is null if their status is offline) if (msg.member === null) { console.warn("Member is null, fetching member now"); msg.member = await msg.guild.fetchMember(; } // Log line var logUsername = + '#' +; if (this.isAdmin(msg.member)) { logUsername =; } else if (this.isMod(msg.member)) { logUsername = logUsername.yellow; } else { logUsername = logUsername.brightWhite; } console.log('[' + moment().format('MMM Do LTS') + '] ' + logUsername + ' in ' + ('#' + + ': ' + (edited ? '(edited) '.gray : '') + '"' + msg.content + '"'); for (var i = 0; i < this.modules.length; i++) { var m = this.modules[i]; if (m.onMessage) { try { if (m.onMessage(msg, edited)) { return; } } catch (ex) { this.handleError(ex); } } } if (!msg.content.startsWith(".")) { return; } var parse = cmdsplit(msg.content); var cmdID = parse[0].slice(1); cmdID = cmdID.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + cmdID.slice(1); if (!cmdID.match(/^[a-z]+$/i)) { return; } var cmdFound = false; var cmdFunc = findCommand(this, cmdID); if (cmdFunc) { if (msg.member !== null) { console.log("Built-in command from \"" + msg.member.user.username + "\": " + cmdID); } else { console.log("Module command from offline member: " + cmdID); } try { var r = cmdFunc.apply(this, [ msg ].concat(parse.slice(1))); if (r && r.catch) { r.catch(ex => this.handleError(ex)); } } catch (ex) { this.handleError(ex); } cmdFound = true; } for (var i = 0; i < this.modules.length; i++) { var m = this.modules[i]; var cmdFunc = findCommand(m, cmdID); if (!cmdFunc) { continue; } if (msg.member !== null) { console.log("Module command from \"" + msg.member.user.username + "\": " + cmdID); } else { console.log("Module command from offline member: " + cmdID); } try { var r = cmdFunc.apply(m, [ msg ].concat(parse.slice(1))); if (r && r.catch) { r.catch(ex => this.handleError(ex)); } } catch (ex) { this.handleError(ex); } cmdFound = true; } if (!cmdFound) { console.log("Unknown command: \"" + cmdID + "\""); } } async onMessageUpdate(oldMsg, newMsg) { if (oldMsg.content != newMsg.content) { this.onMessage(newMsg, true); } } async onMessageDelete(msg) { console.log("Message deleted: \"" + msg.content + "\""); } onCmdGithub(msg) {"My code is on Github! :robot:"); } /* //TODO: Move this to a module onCmdWeather(msg) { var url = "" + + "/" + + "?units=auto"; https.get(url, (res) => { var data = ""; res.setEncoding("utf8"); res.on("data", function(chunk) { data += chunk; }); res.on("end", () => { try { var obj = JSON.parse(data); var ret = "**The weather at Defqon.1 is currently:** (powered by\n"; ret += "*" + obj.currently.summary + "* / **" + obj.currently.temperature + "\u2103 (" + Math.round((obj.currently.temperature * 9/5) + 32) + "\u2109)** / " + Math.round(obj.currently.humidity * 100) + "% humidity\n"; ret += "UV index " + obj.currently.uvIndex + ", wind speed " + obj.currently.windSpeed + " m/s";; } catch (err) {"I failed to get the weather... :sob:"); console.log(err); } }); }); } */ //TODO: Change this to .timeout and move this to its own module /* onCmdMute(msg) { if (!this.isMod(msg.member)) { return; } for (var memberID of msg.mentions.members.keys()) { var member = msg.mentions.members.get(memberID); member.roles.remove(this.config.discord.mutedrole); this.addLogMessage("Muted " + member.user.username, msg.member); } msg.delete(); } onCmdUnmute(msg) { if (!this.isMod(msg.member)) { return; } for (var memberID of msg.mentions.members.keys()) { var member = msg.mentions.members.get(memberID); member.roles.add(this.config.discord.mutedrole); this.addLogMessage("Unmuted " + member.user.username, msg.member); } msg.delete(); } */ formatMilliseconds(ms) { var sec = Math.floor(ms / 1000); var secs = sec % 60; var mins = Math.floor(sec / 60) % 60; var hours = Math.floor(sec / 60 / 60) % 60; var ret = ""; if (hours > 0) { ret += hours + "h"; } if (mins > 0) { ret += mins + "m"; } ret += secs + "s"; return ret; } onCmdTime(msg) { var date = moment(); var text = "The local time is: **" + date.format("HH:mm") + "** ()";; } } module.exports = RedditRadio;