diff --git a/configs/.tmux.conf b/configs/.tmux.conf index 267839b..7e1de0b 100644 --- a/configs/.tmux.conf +++ b/configs/.tmux.conf @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ # and fill the 'gaps' with manual rebind in the conf file using this command: # tmux -f /dev/null -L temp start-server \; list-keys unbind-key -a -display-message "] afx' .tmux.conf v7.3 (⌐■_■) [" set-option -g prefix F2 # ctrl+b => F2 #bind-key a send-key M-a # alt+a = alt+a+a @@ -25,7 +24,7 @@ setw -g mode-keys vi #setw -g mode-mouse off #tmux 1.9 set-option -g mouse off #tmux 2.1 -bind-key r source-file ~/.tmux.conf +bind-key r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "] afx' .tmux.conf v7.3 (⌐■_■) [" bind-key R refresh-client bind-key : command-prompt