#!/usr/bin/python3 # simple ip blackhole list :) # afx Nov 2016 # # requires Pygtail # should be installed to iptables filtered machine with DROP and LOG policy # the idea is that any traffic coming to this serviceless machine can be assumed # as bad and then listed for further processing from pygtail import Pygtail import sys import signal import re import time import json kernlog = '/var/log/kern.log' dbfile = '/var/www/html/blacklist.txt' #add whitelisted ips here: whitelist = [ '', '' ] ###### def signal_handler(signal, frame): print('You\'ve pressed Ctrl+C. Listing stats and exiting...') print('') print(json.dumps(stats)) sys.exit(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) print('.o.oOo.o. blackhole.py by afx .o.oOo.o.') print('^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^') print('Whitelist: {}'.format(whitelist)) blacklist = [] stats = {} try: blackfile = open(dbfile, 'r') for item in blackfile: blacklist.append(item.strip()) blackfile.close() print('Blacklist: {}'.format(blacklist)) except Exception as e: print(e) print('Blacklist empty.') print('') while True: time.sleep(1) for line in Pygtail(kernlog): query = re.findall( r'SRC=[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+){3}', line ) newip = query[0][4:] if newip in whitelist: print('{} whitelisted'.format(newip)) continue elif newip in blacklist: try: oldcounter = stats[newip] except: oldcounter = 0 counter = oldcounter + 1 stats.update({ newip: counter }) print('{} -> {}'.format(newip, str(stats[newip]))) else: print('{} blackholed'.format(newip)) blacklist.append(newip) blackfile = open(dbfile, 'w') for item in blacklist: blackfile.write("%s\n" % item) blackfile.close() #EOF