provide gallery.config
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 176 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
# HomeGallery configuration file
# Default configuration file is gallery.config.yml. JSON format is
# also supported (gallery.config.json)
# This is a comment, starting with hash tag and space ('# ')
# A default value starting with hash tag and variable ('#baseDir...')
# Directory value examples:
# - /absolute/directory
# - relative/directory/to/current/working/dir
# - ~/directory/in/your/home
# - ./relative/directory/to/configuration/file
# Variable replacements
# baseDir: '~'
# configDir: '{baseDir}/.config/home-gallery'
# configDir is replaced to '~/.config/home-gallery' and than to '$HOME/.config/home-gallery'
# Variables are overwritten by environment variables
# Variables are baseDir, configDir, configPrefix, cacheDir and dir in sources
# General
#baseDir: '~'
#configDir: '{baseDir}/.config/home-gallery'
# file prefix for index, database and events
#configPrefix: ''
#cacheDir: '{baseDir}/.cache/home-gallery'
# Sources
# List of media source directories. These can be read only.
# All sources are used to build the gallery database. If you need
# different databases or gallery instances use different gallery
# configurations
- dir: '{baseDir}/vod'
#index: '{configDir}/{configPrefix}{basename(dir)}.idx'
# excludes are using gitignore patterns
#- .DS_Store
#- ._*
#- '*.tmp'
#- '*cache*'
#excludeIfPresent: .galleryignore
# excludeFromFile: '{configDir}/excludes'
# Use maxFilesize to exclude big files such as videos to speedup initial setup
# maxFilesize: 20M
# If source directory/disk is offline/unmounted set it to true.
# Offline sources require an index file. Previews and meta data
# should be extracted first before marking a source offline
#offline: false
# Filename matcher for checksum recalculation
# size-ctime-inode: this matcher should be used if possible, might
# not work on windows
# size-ctime: this matcher should be used if stable fs inodes are
# not available and might not work for fuse shares
# size: this matcher should be used if you know what you are doing
#matcher: size-ctime-inode
# Extractor settings
# Preview image settings
# previewSizes: [1920, 1280, 800, 320, 128]
# previewQuality: 80
# previewSize: 720 # used as preview size and preview filename
# ext: mp4 # used as target video container and preview filename
# scale: -2:'min(720,ih)' # overwrites previewSize. E.g. -2:'min(ih,max(720,min(1080,ih*.5)))' for 720p <= height*0.5 <= 1080p or height, if height < 720
# frameRate: 30
# maxVideoBitRate: 4000 # in KB
# videoEncoder: libx264
# preset: slow
# profile: baseline
# level: '3.0'
# addFfmpegArgs: [...] # Additional ffmpeg args
# customFfmpegArgs: [...] # custom ffmpeg args for video conversion, replaces all other settings such previewSize, videoEncoder, addFfmpegArgs, ...
# Api Server is used for image similarity, object and face detection
# url:
# timeout: 30
# concurrent: 5
# disable:
# - similarDetection
# - objectDetection
# - faceDetection
# url:
# Preffered address language of geo code reverse lookups
# addressLanguage: [de, en-US] # for multiple languages
# addressLanguage: [en, de]
# excludes are using gitignore patterns
#excludes: []
# Use native system commands. It is recoomended on armv6 and arm7 platform
# since the npm packages do not provide binaries for these platforms
# - vipsthumbnail # use libvips to resize images
# - convert # use ImageMagick to resize images
# - ffprobe
# - ffmpeg
# Storage and files configuration
#dir: '{cacheDir}/storage'
#file: '{configDir}/{configPrefix}database.db'
# The full database creation is memory consuming. The default value is 2048 MB.
# On memory errors or for larger photo collections (>50000 images) 4096 MB is recommended
# Use less memory for smaller devices (e.g. Raspberry Pi Zero), e.g. 512 MB.
# Node's default memory limit is 512 MB (changeable via --max-old-space-size node arg)
#maxMemory: 2048
#file: '{configDir}/{configPrefix}events.db'
# Server configuration
#port: 3000
#host: ''
# security configuration for https
# key: '{configDir}/server.key'
# cert: '{configDir}/server.crt'
# Open browser when server starts
#openBrowser: true
# Enable basic authentication users and ip whitelist rules which require no authentication
# First matching rule wins. Default rules are: allow: localhost and deny: all.
# Hashed password can be generated via
# node -e "pw=process.argv[1]||'';sha1=require('crypto').createHash('sha1').update(pw).digest('base64');console.log('{SHA}'+sha1)" password
# {SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g=
# auth:
# users:
# - username: password
# - username: '{SHA}W6ph5Mm5Pz8GgiULbPgzG37mj9g='
# rules:
# - allow: localhost
# - allow: '192.168/16'
# - deny: all
#basePath: /
#watchSources: true
# Webapp configuration
# Disabled webapp features
#- edit
#- serverEvents
#- pwa
#- offlineDatabase
# Currently console and file loggers are available
- type: console
# Log level could be one of trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, silent
level: info
# format: json
# File logger format is in newline delimited JSON. See
- type: file
# Log level could be one of trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal, silent
level: debug
file: '{configDir}/{configPrefix}gallery.log'
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