import asyncio import os import requests import discord from discord.ext import commands, tasks from datetime import datetime from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler from apscheduler.jobstores.base import JobLookupError # Read env variables bot_token = os.environ.get('DISCORDBOT_TOKEN', 'token') announce_channel_id = os.environ.get('DISCORDBOT_LIVE_CHANNEL_ID', 'disabled') scheduler_hostname = os.environ.get('SCHEDULER_API_HOSTNAME', '') # Discord API Intents intents = discord.Intents.all() intents.members = True intents.guilds = True intents.messages = True intents.reactions = True intents.presences = True intents.message_content = True # Discord client bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=intents) # Scheduler scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler() database = {} # Bot functions @bot.event async def on_ready(): # Schedule a database update to run every 5 seconds scheduler.add_job(func=update_database, trigger='interval', seconds=5, id='update_database') scheduler.start() @bot.command(name='hello') async def hello(ctx): author_name = await'hi, {author_name}! >^.^<') @bot.command(name='epg') async def epg(ctx): global database await'epg:') if database != {}: for key, value in database.items(): item_name = value['name'] item_start = value['start_at'] if item_start != 'now' and item_start != 'never': await'{item_name} starts at {item_start}h UTC') else: await'Empty database!') @bot.command(name='time') async def time(ctx): await'The time is: {} UTC') # Helper functions async def update_database(): global database db_url = f'https://{scheduler_hostname}/database' if requests.get(db_url).status_code == 200: response = requests.get(db_url) response.raise_for_status() database = response.json() if database != {}: for key, value in database.items(): if value['start_at'] == 'now': scheduler.add_job(func=announce_live_channel, seconds=60, id='announce_live_channel') return try: job = scheduler.get_job('announce_live_channel') if job: scheduler.remove_job('announce_live_channel') live_channel = bot.get_channel(announce_channel_id) await live_channel.send(f'{announce_channel_id} removed') else: return except JobLookupError: return async def announce_live_channel(): if announce_channel_id == 'disabled': return else: live_channel = bot.get_channel(announce_channel_id) await live_channel.send(f'{announce_channel_id} ') # Run the bot with your token