# Television Multi channel stream setup with Flask REST API for scheduling channels. ### Install 1. `cp variables.env.dist variables.env` and set the required variables 2. Start the acme-sh service: `docker-compose up -d acme-sh` 3. Register acme account: `source variables.env; docker exec acme.sh --register-account -m $EMAIL` 4. Set the `ACCOUNT_THUMBPRINT` variable 5. Run the stack using `docker-compose up -d --build --remove-orphans` 6. Issue a certificate: `source variables.env; docker exec acme.sh --issue -d $BASE_URL -d $CORE_API_HOSTNAME --stateless` 7. Install the certificate: `source variables.env; docker exec acme.sh --install-cert -d $BASE_URL --reloadcmd "cat \$CERT_KEY_PATH \$CERT_FULLCHAIN_PATH > /certificates/$BASE_URL.pem"` 8. Reastart haproxy container: `docker kill -s USR2 haproxy` 9. Set crontab: `0 0 1 * * docker exec acme.sh --cron && docker kill -s USR2 haproxy` ### Usage 1. Access the admin panel at `https://stream.example.com/ui` 2. Access the recordings gallery at `https://tv.example.com/gallery` ### EPG stream priorities - prio = 0 - scheduled - prio = 1 - live - prio = 2 - live and vod recording