# vod-rtmp ## How to run 1. `apt install docker.io docker-compose` 2. `cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml` and edit the env variables 3. `cd config/frontend && cp config.yml.dist config.yml` and edit the variables 4. `./gen-selfsigned.sh` - generate self signed haproxy cert for bootstraping 5. `docker-compose build` 8. `docker-compose up` 5. `./issue-certificate.sh example.com info@example.com` - issue LE production certificate 8. You can use the following command to rebuild and restart everything: `docker-compose down ; docker-compose build; docker-compose up -d ; docker-compose logs --follow` ## Setup client 1. Encoder server = `rtmp://example:1935/live/` key = `stream?pass=supersecret` 2. Open a browser and go to `https://example.com` to view your live stream via hls.js ### Powered by - https://github.com/tiangolo/nginx-rtmp-docker - https://github.com/zom-bi/zomstream - https://github.com/Abdisalan/blog-code-examples/tree/master/live-stream-part-3