import pathlib import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree import sys import yaml import urllib class Stream: def __init__(self, app, name, urls): = name # String = app # String self.urls = urls # List of Dictionaries with the keys url and type class Zomstream: def __init__(self): # load configuration from config.yml file if pathlib.Path("config.yml").is_file(): stream = open('config.yml', 'r') self.configuration = yaml.load(stream) stream.close() else: print('missing configuration.') sys.exit(1) self.streamnames = [] def getStreamNames(self): self.streamnames = [] # get data from the streaming server response = urllib.request.urlopen(self.configuration['stat_url']) content ='utf-8') # parse the xml / walk the tree tree = etree.fromstring(content) server = tree.find('server') applications = server.findall('application') for application in applications: appname = application.find('name') if appname.text == "hls" or appname.text == "rec": streams = application.find('live').findall('stream') for stream in streams: name = stream.find('name') rate = stream.find('bw_video') if rate.text != "0": self.streamnames.append( [appname.text, name.text] ) return self.streamnames def getStreams(self): streams = [] for streamName in self.getStreamNames(): urls = [] app = streamName[0] name = streamName[1] hls_url = self.getHlsUrl (app,name) rtmp_url = self.getRtmpUrl(app,name) urls.append({'url': hls_url, 'type':'hls'}) urls.append({'url': rtmp_url,'type':'rtmp'}) stream = Stream(app=app, name=name, urls=urls) streams.append(stream.__dict__) return streams def getHlsUrl(self,app_name,stream_name): return '%s://%s/hls/%s/index.m3u8' % ( self.configuration['web_proto'], self.configuration['base_url'], stream_name) def getRtmpUrl(self,app_name,stream_name): return "rtmp://%s/%s/%s" % ( self.configuration['rtmp_base'], app_name, stream_name)