""" Components/Dialog ================= .. seealso:: `Material Design spec, Dialogs `_ .. rubric:: Dialogs inform users about a task and can contain critical information, require decisions, or involve multiple tasks. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/dialogs.png :align: center Usage ----- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.button import MDFlatButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog KV = ''' FloatLayout: MDFlatButton: text: "ALERT DIALOG" pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} on_release: app.show_alert_dialog() ''' class Example(MDApp): dialog = None def build(self): return Builder.load_string(KV) def show_alert_dialog(self): if not self.dialog: self.dialog = MDDialog( text="Discard draft?", buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="CANCEL", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), MDFlatButton( text="DISCARD", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), ], ) self.dialog.open() Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/alert-dialog.png :align: center """ __all__ = ("MDDialog",) from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import ( ListProperty, NumericProperty, ObjectProperty, OptionProperty, StringProperty, ) from kivy.uix.modalview import ModalView from kivymd.material_resources import DEVICE_TYPE from kivymd.theming import ThemableBehavior from kivymd.uix.button import BaseButton from kivymd.uix.card import MDSeparator from kivymd.uix.list import BaseListItem Builder.load_string( """ #:import images_path kivymd.images_path background: '{}/transparent.png'.format(images_path) canvas.before: PushMatrix RoundedRectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size radius: [5] Scale: origin: self.center x: root._scale_x y: root._scale_y canvas.after: PopMatrix MDCard: id: container orientation: "vertical" size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height elevation: 4 md_bg_color: 0, 0, 0, 0 padding: "24dp", "24dp", "8dp", "8dp" canvas: Color: rgba: root.md_bg_color RoundedRectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size radius: root.radius MDLabel: id: title text: root.title font_style: "H6" bold: True markup: True size_hint_y: None height: self.texture_size[1] valign: "top" BoxLayout: id: spacer_top_box size_hint_y: None height: root._spacer_top MDLabel: id: text text: root.text font_style: "Body1" theme_text_color: "Custom" text_color: root.theme_cls.disabled_hint_text_color size_hint_y: None height: self.texture_size[1] markup: True ScrollView: id: scroll size_hint_y: None height: root._scroll_height MDGridLayout: id: box_items adaptive_height: True cols: 1 BoxLayout: id: spacer_bottom_box size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height AnchorLayout: id: root_button_box size_hint_y: None height: "52dp" anchor_x: "right" MDBoxLayout: id: button_box adaptive_size: True spacing: "8dp" """ ) class BaseDialog(ThemableBehavior, ModalView): _scale_x = NumericProperty(1) _scale_y = NumericProperty(1) class MDDialog(BaseDialog): title = StringProperty() """ Title dialog. .. code-block:: python self.dialog = MDDialog( title="Reset settings?", buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="CANCEL", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), MDFlatButton( text="ACCEPT", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), ], ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/dialog-title.png :align: center :attr:`title` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `''`. """ text = StringProperty() """ Text dialog. .. code-block:: python self.dialog = MDDialog( title="Reset settings?", text="This will reset your device to its default factory settings.", buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="CANCEL", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), MDFlatButton( text="ACCEPT", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), ], ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/dialog-text.png :align: center :attr:`text` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `''`. """ radius = ListProperty([7, 7, 7, 7]) """ Dialog corners rounding value. .. code-block:: python self.dialog = MDDialog( text="Oops! Something seems to have gone wrong!", radius=[20, 7, 20, 7], ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/dialog-radius.png :align: center :attr:`radius` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `[7, 7, 7, 7]`. """ buttons = ListProperty() """ List of button objects for dialog. Objects must be inherited from :class:`~kivymd.uix.button.BaseButton` class. .. code-block:: python self.dialog = MDDialog( text="Discard draft?", buttons=[ MDFlatButton(text="CANCEL"), MDRaisedButton(text="DISCARD"), ], ) .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/dialog-buttons.png :align: center :attr:`buttons` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `[]`. """ items = ListProperty() """ List of items objects for dialog. Objects must be inherited from :class:`~kivymd.uix.list.BaseListItem` class. With type 'simple' ----------------- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.properties import StringProperty from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog from kivymd.uix.list import OneLineAvatarListItem KV = ''' ImageLeftWidget: source: root.source FloatLayout: MDFlatButton: text: "ALERT DIALOG" pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} on_release: app.show_simple_dialog() ''' class Item(OneLineAvatarListItem): divider = None source = StringProperty() class Example(MDApp): dialog = None def build(self): return Builder.load_string(KV) def show_simple_dialog(self): if not self.dialog: self.dialog = MDDialog( title="Set backup account", type="simple", items=[ Item(text="user01@gmail.com", source="user-1.png"), Item(text="user02@gmail.com", source="user-2.png"), Item(text="Add account", source="add-icon.png"), ], ) self.dialog.open() Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/dialog-items.png :align: center With type 'confirmation' ----------------------- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.button import MDFlatButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog from kivymd.uix.list import OneLineAvatarIconListItem KV = ''' on_release: root.set_icon(check) CheckboxLeftWidget: id: check group: "check" FloatLayout: MDFlatButton: text: "ALERT DIALOG" pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} on_release: app.show_confirmation_dialog() ''' class ItemConfirm(OneLineAvatarIconListItem): divider = None def set_icon(self, instance_check): instance_check.active = True check_list = instance_check.get_widgets(instance_check.group) for check in check_list: if check != instance_check: check.active = False class Example(MDApp): dialog = None def build(self): return Builder.load_string(KV) def show_confirmation_dialog(self): if not self.dialog: self.dialog = MDDialog( title="Phone ringtone", type="confirmation", items=[ ItemConfirm(text="Callisto"), ItemConfirm(text="Luna"), ItemConfirm(text="Night"), ItemConfirm(text="Solo"), ItemConfirm(text="Phobos"), ItemConfirm(text="Diamond"), ItemConfirm(text="Sirena"), ItemConfirm(text="Red music"), ItemConfirm(text="Allergio"), ItemConfirm(text="Magic"), ItemConfirm(text="Tic-tac"), ], buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="CANCEL", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), MDFlatButton( text="OK", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), ], ) self.dialog.open() Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/dialog-confirmation.png :align: center :attr:`items` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `[]`. """ type = OptionProperty( "alert", options=["alert", "simple", "confirmation", "custom"] ) """ Dialog type. Available option are `'alert'`, `'simple'`, `'confirmation'`, `'custom'`. :attr:`type` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to `'alert'`. """ content_cls = ObjectProperty() """ Custom content class. .. code-block:: from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.button import MDFlatButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog KV = ''' orientation: "vertical" spacing: "12dp" size_hint_y: None height: "120dp" MDTextField: hint_text: "City" MDTextField: hint_text: "Street" FloatLayout: MDFlatButton: text: "ALERT DIALOG" pos_hint: {'center_x': .5, 'center_y': .5} on_release: app.show_confirmation_dialog() ''' class Content(BoxLayout): pass class Example(MDApp): dialog = None def build(self): return Builder.load_string(KV) def show_confirmation_dialog(self): if not self.dialog: self.dialog = MDDialog( title="Address:", type="custom", content_cls=Content(), buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="CANCEL", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), MDFlatButton( text="OK", text_color=self.theme_cls.primary_color ), ], ) self.dialog.open() Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/dialog-custom.png :align: center :attr:`content_cls` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ObjectProperty` and defaults to `'None'`. """ md_bg_color = ListProperty() """ Background color in the format (r, g, b, a). :attr:`md_bg_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ListProperty` and defaults to `[]`. """ _scroll_height = NumericProperty("28dp") _spacer_top = NumericProperty("24dp") def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.md_bg_color = ( self.theme_cls.bg_dark if not self.md_bg_color else self.md_bg_color ) if self.size_hint == [1, 1] and DEVICE_TYPE == "mobile": self.size_hint = (None, None) self.width = dp(280) elif self.size_hint == [1, 1] and DEVICE_TYPE == "desktop": self.size_hint = (None, None) self.width = dp(560) if not self.title: self._spacer_top = 0 if not self.buttons: self.ids.root_button_box.height = 0 else: self.create_buttons() update_height = False if self.type in ("simple", "confirmation"): if self.type == "confirmation": self.ids.spacer_top_box.add_widget(MDSeparator()) self.ids.spacer_bottom_box.add_widget(MDSeparator()) self.create_items() if self.type == "custom": if self.content_cls: self.ids.container.remove_widget(self.ids.scroll) self.ids.container.remove_widget(self.ids.text) self.ids.spacer_top_box.add_widget(self.content_cls) self.ids.spacer_top_box.padding = (0, "24dp", "16dp", 0) update_height = True if self.type == "alert": self.ids.scroll.bar_width = 0 if update_height: Clock.schedule_once(self.update_height) def update_height(self, *_): self._spacer_top = self.content_cls.height + dp(24) def on_open(self): # TODO: Add scrolling text. self.height = self.ids.container.height def set_normal_height(self): self.size_hint_y = 0.8 def get_normal_height(self): return ( (Window.height * 80 / 100) - self._spacer_top - dp(52) - self.ids.container.padding[1] - self.ids.container.padding[-1] - 100 ) def edit_padding_for_item(self, instance_item): instance_item.ids._left_container.x = 0 instance_item._txt_left_pad = "56dp" def create_items(self): self.ids.container.remove_widget(self.ids.text) height = 0 for item in self.items: if issubclass(item.__class__, BaseListItem): height += item.height # calculate height contents self.edit_padding_for_item(item) self.ids.box_items.add_widget(item) if height > Window.height: self.set_normal_height() self.ids.scroll.height = self.get_normal_height() else: self.ids.scroll.height = height def create_buttons(self): for button in self.buttons: if issubclass(button.__class__, BaseButton): self.ids.button_box.add_widget(button)