# Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Artem Bulgakov # # This file is distributed under the terms of the same license, # as the Kivy framework. """ Script to make release ====================== Run this script before release (before deploying). What this script does: * Undo all local changes in repository * Update version in __init__.py, README * Format files * Rename file "unreleased.rst" to version, add to index.rst * Commit "Version ..." * Create tag * Add "unreleased.rst" to Change Log, add to index.rst * Commit * Git push """ import os import re import subprocess import sys from kivymd.tools.release.argument_parser import ArgumentParserWithHelp from kivymd.tools.release.git_commands import ( command, get_previous_version, git_clean, git_commit, git_push, git_tag, ) from kivymd.tools.release.update_icons import update_icons def run_pre_commit(): """Run pre-commit.""" try: command(["pre-commit", "run", "--all-files"]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: pass git_commit("Run pre-commit", allow_error=True) def replace_in_file(pattern, repl, file): """Replace one `pattern` match to `repl` in file `file`.""" file_content = open(file, "rt", encoding="utf-8").read() new_file_content = re.sub(pattern, repl, file_content, 1, re.M) open(file, "wt", encoding="utf-8").write(new_file_content) return not file_content == new_file_content def update_init_py(version, is_release, test: bool = False): """Change version in `kivymd/__init__.py`.""" init_file = os.path.abspath("kivymd/__init__.py") init_version_regex = r"(?<=^__version__ = ['\"])[^'\"]+(?=['\"]$)" success = replace_in_file(init_version_regex, version, init_file) if test and not success: print("Couldn't update __init__.py file.", file=sys.stderr) init_version_regex = r"(?<=^release = )(True|False)(?=$)" success = replace_in_file(init_version_regex, str(is_release), init_file) if test and not success: print("Couldn't update __init__.py file.", file=sys.stderr) def update_readme(previous_version, version, test: bool = False): """Change version in README.""" readme_file = os.path.abspath("README.md") readme_version_regex = rf"(?<=\[){previous_version}[ \-*\w^\]\n]*(?=\])" success = replace_in_file(readme_version_regex, version, readme_file) if test and not success: print("Couldn't update README.md file.", file=sys.stderr) readme_install_version_regex = ( rf"(?<=pip install kivymd==){previous_version}(?=\n```)" ) success = replace_in_file( readme_install_version_regex, version, readme_file ) if test and not success: print("Couldn't update README.md file.", file=sys.stderr) readme_buildozer_version_regex = ( rf"(?<=, kivymd==){previous_version}(?=\n```)" ) success = replace_in_file( readme_buildozer_version_regex, version, readme_file ) if test and not success: print("Couldn't update README.md file.", file=sys.stderr) def move_changelog( index_file, unreleased_file, previous_version, version_file, version, test: bool = False, ): """Edit unreleased.rst and rename to .rst.""" # Read unreleased changelog changelog = open(unreleased_file, "rt", encoding="utf-8").read() # Edit changelog changelog = re.sub( r"Unreleased\n----------", f"{version}\n{'-' * (1 + len(version))}", changelog, 1, re.M, ) changelog = re.sub( r"(?<=See on GitHub: `)branch master", f"tag {version}", changelog, 1, re.M, ) changelog = re.sub(r"(?<=/tree/)master", f"{version}", changelog, 1, re.M) changelog = re.sub( rf"(?<=compare {previous_version}/)master", f"{version}", changelog, 1, re.M, ) changelog = re.sub( rf"(?<=compare/{previous_version}...)master", f"{version}", changelog, 1, re.M, ) changelog = re.sub( r"(?<=pip install )https[\S]*/master.zip(?=\n)", f"kivymd=={version}", changelog, 1, re.M, ) # Write changelog open(version_file, "wt", encoding="utf-8").write(changelog) # Remove unreleased changelog os.remove(unreleased_file) # Update index file success = replace_in_file( "/changelog/unreleased.rst", f"/changelog/{version}.rst", index_file ) if test and not success: print("Couldn't update changelog file.", file=sys.stderr) def create_unreleased_changelog( index_file, unreleased_file, version, ask: bool = True, test: bool = False, ): """Create unreleased.rst by template.""" # Check if unreleased file exists if os.path.exists(unreleased_file): if ask and input( f'Do you want to rewrite "{unreleased_file}"? (y)' ) not in ( "", "y", "yes", ): exit(0) # Generate unreleased changelog changelog = f"""Unreleased ---------- See on GitHub: `branch master `_ | `compare {version}/master `_ .. code-block:: bash pip install https://github.com/kivymd/KivyMD/archive/master.zip * Bug fixes and other minor improvements. """ # Create unreleased file open(unreleased_file, "wt", encoding="utf-8").write(changelog) # Update index file success = replace_in_file( r"(?<=Change Log\n==========\n\n)", ".. include:: /changelog/unreleased.rst\n", index_file, ) if test and not success: print("Couldn't update changelog index file.", file=sys.stderr) def main(): parser = create_argument_parser() args = parser.parse_args() release = args.command == "release" version = args.version or "0.0.0" next_version = args.next_version or ( (version[:-1] + str(int(version[-1]) + 1) + ".dev0") if "rc" not in version else version ) prepare = args.command == "prepare" test = args.command == "test" ask = args.yes is not True push = args.push is True if release and version == "0.0.0": parser.error("Please specify new version.") version_re = r"[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}(rc[\d]{1,3})?" if not re.match(version_re, version): parser.error(f'Version "{version}" doesn\'t match template.') next_version_re = ( r"[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}(\.dev[\d]{1,3}|rc[\d]{1,3})?" ) if not re.match(next_version_re, next_version): parser.error(f'Next version "{next_version}" doesn\'t match template.') if test and push: parser.error("Don't use --push with test.") repository_root = os.path.normpath( os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))) ) ) # Change directory to repository root os.chdir(repository_root) previous_version = get_previous_version() # Print info print(f"Previous version: {previous_version}") print(f"New version: {version}") print(f"Next version: {next_version}") update_icons(make_commit=True) git_clean(ask=ask) run_pre_commit() if prepare: git_push([], ask=ask, push=push) return update_init_py(version, is_release=True, test=test) update_readme(previous_version, version, test=test) changelog_index_file = os.path.join( repository_root, "docs", "sources", "changelog", "index.rst" ) changelog_unreleased_file = os.path.join( repository_root, "docs", "sources", "changelog", "unreleased.rst" ) changelog_version_file = os.path.join( repository_root, "docs", "sources", "changelog", f"{version}.rst" ) move_changelog( changelog_index_file, changelog_unreleased_file, previous_version, changelog_version_file, version, test=test, ) git_commit(f"KivyMD {version}") git_tag(version) branches_to_push = [] # Move branch stable to stable-x.x.x # command(["git", "branch", "-m", "stable", f"stable-{old_version}"]) # branches_to_push.append(f"stable-{old_version}") # Create branch stable # command(["git", "branch", "stable"]) # command(["git", "push", "--force", "origin", "master:stable"]) # branches_to_push.append("stable") create_unreleased_changelog( changelog_index_file, changelog_unreleased_file, version, test=test, ) update_init_py(next_version, is_release=False, test=test) git_commit(f"KivyMD {next_version}") git_push(branches_to_push, ask=ask, push=push) def create_argument_parser(): parser = ArgumentParserWithHelp( prog="make_release.py", allow_abbrev=False, # usage="%(prog)s command [options] extensions [--exclude extensions]", ) parser.add_argument( "--yes", action="store_true", help="remove and modify files without asking.", ) parser.add_argument( "--push", action="store_true", help="push changes to remote repository. Use only with release and prepare.", ) parser.add_argument( "command", choices=["release", "prepare", "test"], help="release will update icons, modify files and make tag.\n" "prepare will update icons and format files.\n" "test will check if script can modify each file correctly.", ) parser.add_argument( "version", type=str, nargs="?", help="new version in format n.n.n (1.111.11).", ) parser.add_argument( "next_version", type=str, nargs="?", help="development version in format n.n.n.devn (1.111.11.dev0).", ) return parser if __name__ == "__main__": main()