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2024-05-06 15:28:48 +03:00
data update db with setup boolean 2024-04-08 18:30:49 +03:00
forest remove the src subdir 2024-05-04 02:09:53 +03:00
.gitignore rename env var config file 2024-04-03 19:43:09 +03:00
docker-compose.yml migrate the react frontend away from the forest api 2024-05-06 15:28:48 +03:00
LICENSE lic 2022-02-04 01:27:48 +02:00
README.md separate osmtile import and run 2024-04-22 16:26:00 +03:00
swagger.yaml example swagger.yaml 2022-02-04 01:54:18 +02:00
variables.env.dist implement oauth2 2024-04-06 17:04:05 +03:00

  1. Rename dist.env to .env. Update the environment variables.

  2. run osmtile with import script

    $ docker run \
    -e UPDATES=enabled \
    -e DOWNLOAD_PBF=https://download.geofabrik.de/europe/bulgaria-latest.osm.pbf \
    -e DOWNLOAD_POLY=https://download.geofabrik.de/europe/bulgaria.poly \
    -v "/root/forest-net/data/osmtile/pgdata:/data/database/" \
    overv/openstreetmap-tile-server \
  3. Build the images and run the containers:

    $ docker-compose up -d --build --remove-orphans ; docker-compose logs -f --timestamps
  4. Initialize db schema using:

    $ docker-compose exec forest python manage.py reset_db