from flask import render_template, abort, redirect, url_for, abort, flash, request, current_app, make_response, g from flask_login import login_required, login_user, logout_user, current_user from flask_sqlalchemy import get_debug_queries from . import livesupport from .forms import MessageForm from .. import db from import send_email from ..models import User, Permission, SupportTopic, SupportLine, contact_proxmaster import base64 from datetime import date, time, datetime from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta @livesupport.after_app_request def after_request(response): for query in get_debug_queries(): if query.duration >= current_app.config['SLOW_DB_QUERY_TIME']: current_app.logger.warning('Slow query: %s\nParameters: %s\nDuration: %fs\nContext: %s\n' % (query.statement, query.parameters, query.duration, query.context)) return response #SUPPORT @livesupport.route("/support", methods=['GET']) @login_required def support_list(): """ general enquiry and list all open support tasks """ cuser = current_user form = MessageForm() alltopics = cuser.inv_topics.all() return render_template('livesupport/support_list.html', form=form, inv_topics=alltopics) @livesupport.route("/support//", methods=['GET', 'POST']) @login_required def support(topic): """ block item for support chatbox. invoked from vdc_pool or supportlist """ cuser = current_user form = MessageForm() if request.method == "GET": support_topic = SupportTopic.query.filter_by(hashtag=str(topic)).first() if support_topic == None: class EmptySupport(): hashtag=str(topic) timestamp=datetime.utcnow() support_topic = EmptySupport() return render_template('livesupport/support_item.html', form=form, support=support_topic) else: if support_topic.user_id != abort(403) #TODO: hidden 403. there is a topic like that but its not yours! else: #topic is yours. show it. return render_template('livesupport/support_item.html', form=form, support=support_topic) if request.method == "POST" and form.validate_on_submit(): support_topic = SupportTopic.query.filter_by(hashtag=str(topic)).first() if support_topic == None: #no topic. create one? if cuser.inv_topics.all() != []: #check if other topics exist, and ratelimit last_topic = cuser.inv_topics.order_by(SupportTopic.timestamp.desc()).first() now = datetime.utcnow() time_last_topic = last_topic.timestamp expiry = time_last_topic + relativedelta(time_last_topic, minutes=+5) if now < expiry: flash('ratelimit. try again later') return redirect(url_for('livesupport.support_list')) #create new topic new_topic = SupportTopic(, hashtag=str(topic)) db.session.add(new_topic) new_line = SupportLine(, line=str( db.session.add(new_line) else: if support_topic.user_id == new_line = SupportLine(, db.session.add(new_line) else: abort(403) #TODO: hidden 404 db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('livesupport.support_list'))