{% block vdc_pool %} {% if deploy.enabled == False %}
{% else %} {% if deploy.warning == True %}
{% else %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% if deploy.enabled == False or deploy.warning == True %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

{% if deploy.enabled == False %} {% else %} {% if deploy.warning == True %} {% else %} {{ deploy.daysleft }} day(s) {% endif %} {% endif %}

Last Payment Date: {{ moment(deploy.date_last_charge).format('lll') }}
{% if deploy.period == 1 %} {{ deploy.period }} month payment cycle
{% else %} {{ deploy.period }} months payment cycle
{% endif %} State: {{ status[deploy.machine_id] }}
Protected: {{ deploy.protected }}

{% if deploy.enabled == True %} {% if status[deploy.machine_id] == 'running' %}

{% else %} {% endif %} {% endif %}

Processor {{ deploy.machine_cpu }} {% if deploy.machine_cpu > 1 %}cores{% else %}core{% endif %}
Allocated memory {{ deploy.machine_mem }} MB

Network traffic
IOPS of {{ deploy.machine_hdd }} GB storage

{% with support=deploy.topic %} {% include "panel/support_item.html" %} {% endwith %}

{% if inv_deployments != [] %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}