api data redesign
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 256 additions and 317 deletions
@ -19,51 +19,53 @@ import ioconfig
logger = ioconfig.logger
config = ioconfig.parser
def query(json):
if json['type'] == 'deploy' or json['type'] == 'router':
data = read(json)
return data['slave'], data['type'], data['phyid'], data['hostname'], data['clientemail']
def queryvm(req_cube_id):
""" returns slave_name, vm_id and vm_type for the requested cubeid """
data = querydb(req_cube_id)
return data['slave'], data['type'], data['vmid'], data['hostname'], data['clientemail']
if json['type'] == 'bridge':
data = read(json)
return data['slave'], data['type'], data['phyid'], data['clientemail']
def create(data):
def querydb(cubeid):
def read(data):
""" open a metadata file """
dbfile = 'db/vm.{}.json'.format(cubeid)
dbfile = 'db/{}.{}.json'.format(data['type'], data['unit_id'])
dbf = open(dbfile, 'r')
data = json.load(dbf)
#logger.info('{}> --> {}'.format(dbfile, data))
logger.info('{}> --> {}'.format(dbfile, data))
return data
except Exception as e:
logger.critical('{}> '.format(e))
return None
def writedb(src_data):
def write(data):
""" create new metadata file """
dbfile = 'db/vm.{}.json'.format(src_data['cube'])
dbfile = 'db/{}.{}.json'.format(data['type'], data['unit_id'])
dbf = open(dbfile, 'w')
json.dump(src_data, dbf)
json.dump(data, dbf)
#TODO: send mail
logger.info('grid> {} --> {}'.format(src_data, dbfile))
logger.info('grid> {} --> {}'.format(data, dbfile))
except Exception as e:
logger.critical('grid> {}'.format(e))
return None
def deletedb(cubeid):
def delete(unit_type, unit_id):
""" remove metadata file """
dbfile = 'db/vm.{}.json'.format(cubeid)
dbfile = 'db/{}.{}.json'.format(unit_type, unit_id)
#TODO: perhaps just move the datafile to an archive directory
return None
def query_happiness(region_id):
def analyze_happiness(region_id):
""" analyzes grid data for the reuqested region and returns proposed slave_id,
based on a "happiness" factor. happiness means alive and free :) """
grid_data = readcache()
@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ def query_happiness(region_id):
return happy_slave
def generate_vmid():
""" analyzes cached grid data and return proposed vmid for new machines """
grid_data = readcache()
@ -144,29 +147,6 @@ def findDiff(d1, d2, path=""):
logger.warning('cache> ' + str(k) + ' ' + str(d1[k]) + ' [-]')
logger.warning('cache> ' + str(k) + ' ' + str(d2[k]) + ' [+]')
def genmac(int_value):
""" convert kinda long enough int to MAC string """
prefix_sum = sum(int(digit) for digit in str(int_value))
if (prefix_sum > 255):
prefix_hex = 'ff'
prefix_hex = format(prefix_sum, 'x')
suffix = int(str(int_value)[-12:])
suffix_hex = format(suffix, 'x')
length = len(suffix_hex)
suffix_hex = suffix_hex.zfill(length+length%2)
addr = prefix_hex + suffix_hex
#logger.info('grid> mac-string {} genrated from: {} ({}->{}) ({}->{}) '.format(addr, int_value, prefix, prefix_hex, suffix, suffix_hex))
print('grid> mac-string {} genrated from: {} (sum {}->{}) ({}->{}) '.format(addr, int_value, prefix_sum, prefix_hex, suffix, suffix_hex))
return ':'.join(addr[i:i+2] for i in range(0,len(addr),2))
def generate_ipv4(region_name, how_many=1):
""" this function should check the range, exclude deployed machines and return a list of available ips """
ip_range_min = ioconfig.parser.get(str(region_name), 'ipv4_min')
@ -221,7 +201,6 @@ def generate_ipv4(region_name, how_many=1):
logger.info('region[{}]> ip addresses {} selected.'.format(str(region_name), str(requested_ips)))
return requested_ips
def readreal():
""" read the current state and return its contents """
@ -25,257 +25,248 @@ def auth(slave_name):
slavepass = ioconfig.parser.get(str(slave_name), 'password')
slavetype = ioconfig.parser.get(str(slave_name), 'type')
#vendor specific
#if slavetype == 'proxmoxia':
# connection = lib_proxmoxia.Connector(slaveip)
# auth_token = connection.get_auth_token(adminuser, slavepass)
# proxobject = lib_proxmoxia.Proxmox(connection)
if slavetype == 'proxmox':
proxobject = ProxmoxAPI(slaveip, user=adminuser, password=slavepass, verify_ssl=False)
return proxobject
def vmlist(proxobject):
""" get vmlist """
#slave_name = proxobject.get('cluster/status')#'name']
#we keep a single node proxmoxes so node id = 0
slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
#query_kvm = proxobject.get('nodes/%s/qemu' % slave_name)
query_kvm = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu.get()
query_lxc = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc.get()
for kvm_dict in query_kvm:
kvm_dict['vmtype'] = 'kvm'
for lxc_dict in query_lxc:
lxc_dict['vmtype'] = 'lxc'
vmlist = query_kvm + query_lxc #merge machine list
return vmlist
def vmcreate(req):
""" create vm. returns JSON with data """
def create(json):
""" create an unit. returns JSON with data """
region_id = ioconfig.parser.get(str(req['region']), 'regionid')
region_fullname = ioconfig.parser.get(str(req['region']), 'fullname')
region_id = ioconfig.parser.get(str(json['region']), 'regionid')
region_fullname = ioconfig.parser.get(str(json['region']), 'fullname')
ioconfig.logger.error('grid> no region found')
ioconfig.logger.error('grid> region not found')
return None
vm_name_utf8 = req['hostname']
vm_name_utf8 = json['hostname']
vm_name = unidecode(vm_name_utf8)
vm_pass = req['rootpass']
vm_pass = json['rootpass']
vm_pass = 'datapoint'
vm_pass = '!%%^)@&&(K3B'
#slave_name = str(grid.query_happiness(region_id, weight)) #TODO: provide weight parameters here and calculate route
slave_name = 'lexx'
#slave_name = 'warrior'
vm_id = random.randint(1000, 9999)
cubeid = int(time.time() * 10000 * 10000)
deploy = { 'cube': int(cubeid),
'type': req['type'],
'clientid': req['clientid'],
'clientemail': req['clientemail'],
'hostname': vm_name,
'region': region_fullname,
'slave': slave_name,
'vmid': vm_id,
'cpu': req['cpu'],
'mem': req['mem'],
'hdd': req['hdd']
#slave_name = 'lexx'
slave_name = 'warrior'
unit_id = int(time.time() * 10000 * 10000)
phy_id = grid.phyidgen(json['type'])
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
real_slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
description = vm_name + ' (' + str(cubeid) + '/' + str(vm_id) + ')\n' + 'owned by ' + req['clientemail'] + ' (' + req['clientid'] + ')\n'
description = vm_name + ' (' + str(unit_id) + '-' + str(phy_id) + ')\n' + 'owned by ' + json['clientemail'] + ' (' + json['clientid'] + ')\n'
if req['type'] == 'kvm':
if json['type'] == 'deploy':
#create partition
image_name = 'vm-' + str(vm_id) + '-disk-1'
image_name = 'vm-' + str(phy_id) + '-disk-1'
local_storage = proxobject.nodes(real_slave_name).storage('lvm')
storage_create_result = local_storage.content.post(vmid=vm_id, filename=image_name, size=req['hdd'] + 'G')
ioconfig.logger.info('slave[%s]> allocated %s as %s' % (slave_name, req['hdd'], image_name))
storage_create_result = local_storage.content.post(vmid=phy_id, filename=image_name, size=json['hdd'] + 'G')
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> allocated %s as %s' % (json['clientemail'], slave_name, json['hdd'], image_name))
ioconfig.logger.info('slave[%s]> unable to allocate %s' % (slave_name, image_name))
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> unable to allocate %s' % (json['clientemail'], slave_name, image_name))
response = { 'status':'FAIL' }
return response
create_result = proxobject.nodes(real_slave_name).qemu.post(vmid=int(vm_id),
virtio0='file=lvm:' + image_name,
if req['type'] == 'lxc':
create_result = proxobject.nodes(real_slave_name).lxc.post(vmid=int(vm_id),
rootfs='lvm:' + req['hdd'],
virtio0='file=lvm:' + image_name,
create_result = proxobject.nodes(real_slave_name).qemu.post(vmid=int(phy_id),
scsi0='file=lvm:' + image_name + ',discard=on',
data = { 'unit_id': int(unit_id),
'type': 'kvm',
'clientid': json['clientid'],
'clientemail': json['clientemail'],
'hostname': vm_name,
'region': region_fullname,
'slave': slave_name,
'phyid': phy_id
#start the machihe
if json['type'] == 'router':
create_result = proxobject.nodes(real_slave_name).lxc.post(vmid=int(phy_id),
net0='name=eth0,bridge=' + json['bridge_id'] + ',gw=' + json['region_gw'] + ',hwaddr=' + json['macaddr'] + ',ip=' + json['ipv4addr'] + '/' + json['region_netmask'],
rootfs='volume=lvm:' + image_name,
data = { 'unit_id': int(unit_id),
'type': 'lxc',
'clientid': json['clientid'],
'clientemail': json['clientemail'],
'hostname': vm_name,
'region': region_fullname,
'slave': slave_name,
'phyid': phy_id
if json['type'] == 'bridge':
data = { 'unit_id': int(unit_id),
'type': 'vmbr',
'clientid': json['clientid'],
'clientemail': json['clientemail'],
'region': region_fullname,
'slave': slave_name,
'phyid': phy_id
time.sleep(7) #wait few seconds for the slave to prepare the machine for initial run
response = { 'status': 'CREATE', 'cube': cubeid, 'hostname': vm_name, 'password': vm_pass, 'slave': real_slave_name }
response = { 'status': 'CREATED', 'unit_id': unit_id, 'hostname': vm_name, 'password': vm_pass, 'slave': real_slave_name }
return response
def vmremove(cubeid):
""" terminate a vm """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
def remove(json):
""" terminate an unit """
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> deleting %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host))
if vm_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).delete()
if vm_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).delete()
response = { 'status':'DELETE', 'cube': cubeid, 'hostname': vm_host }
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> deleting %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host))
if unit_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).delete()
if unit_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).delete()
response = { 'status':'DELETED'}
return response
def vmstatus(cubeid):
""" returns the status of the machine """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
def status(json):
""" returns the status of an unit """
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
#slave_name = proxobject.c:luster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> status of %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host))
if vm_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).status.current.get()
if vm_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).status.current.get()
#slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> status of %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host))
if unit_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).status.current.get()
if unit_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).status.current.get()
return result
def vmstart(cubeid):
def start(json):
""" starts a machine """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
#slave_name = proxobject.c:luster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> starting %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host))
if vm_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).status.start.post()
if vm_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).status.start.post()
#slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> starting %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host))
if unit_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).status.start.post()
if unit_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).status.start.post()
response = { 'status':'START' }
return response
def vmshutdown(cubeid):
def shutdown(json):
""" acpi shutdown the machine.. """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
#slave_name = proxobject.c:luster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> acpi shutdown %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host))
#slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> acpi shutdown %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host))
if vm_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).status.shutdown.post()
if vm_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).status.shutdown.post()
if unit_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).status.shutdown.post()
if unit_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).status.shutdown.post()
#ioconfig.logger.info('slave[{}]> {}'.format(slave_name, result))
response = { 'status':'SHUTDOWN', 'vmid':vm_id }
response = { 'status':'SHUTDOWN', 'vmid':phy_id }
return response
def vmstop(cubeid):
def stop(json):
""" poweroff the machine.. """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
#slave_name = proxobject.c:luster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> power off %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host))
#slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> power off %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host))
if vm_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).status.stop.post()
if vm_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).status.stop.post()
if unit_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).status.stop.post()
if unit_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).status.stop.post()
#ioconfig.logger.info('slave[{}]> {}'.format(slave_name, result))
response = { 'status':'STOP', 'vmid':vm_id }
response = { 'status':'STOP', 'vmid':phy_id }
return response
def vmsuspend(cubeid):
def suspend(json):
""" suspend machine """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
#slave_name = proxobject.c:luster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> suspending %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host))
#slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> suspending %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host))
if vm_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).status.suspend.post()
if vm_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).status.suspend.post()
response = { 'status':'SUSPEND', 'vmid':vm_id }
if unit_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).status.suspend.post()
if unit_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).status.suspend.post()
response = { 'status':'SUSPEND', 'vmid':phy_id }
return response
def vmresume(cubeid):
def resume(json):
""" resume machine """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
#slave_name = proxobject.c:luster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> resuming %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host))
#slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> resuming %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host))
if vm_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).status.resume.post()
if vm_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).status.resume.post()
response = { 'status':'RESUME', 'vmid':vm_id }
if unit_type == 'kvm':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).status.resume.post()
if unit_type == 'lxc':
result = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).status.resume.post()
response = { 'status':'RESUME', 'vmid':phy_id }
return response
def vmrrd(cubeid):
def vmrrd(json):
""" retrieve rrd graphs (PNG) """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
result = {}
if vm_type == 'kvm':
statusquery = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).status.current.get()
rcpu = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='cpu')
rmem = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='mem,maxmem')
rnet = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='netin,netout')
rhdd = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='diskread,diskwrite')
if unit_type == 'kvm':
statusquery = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).status.current.get()
rcpu = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='cpu')
rmem = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='mem,maxmem')
rnet = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='netin,netout')
rhdd = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='diskread,diskwrite')
status = str(statusquery['qmpstatus'])
if vm_type == 'lxc':
status = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).status.current.get()
rcpu = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='cpu')
rmem = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='mem,maxmem')
rnet = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='netin,netout')
rhdd = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='diskread,diskwrite')
if unit_type == 'lxc':
status = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).status.current.get()
rcpu = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='cpu')
rmem = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='mem,maxmem')
rnet = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='netin,netout')
rhdd = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).rrd.get(timeframe='day', cf='AVERAGE', ds='diskread,diskwrite')
status = str(statusquery['qmpstatus']) #TODO: maybe change this?
#ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> rrd of %s %s (%s). status: %s' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, status))
#ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> rrd of %s %s (%s). status: %s' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, status))
response = { 'status':status, 'cpu':rcpu, 'mem':rmem, 'net':rnet, 'hdd':rhdd }
return response
def vmvnc(cubeid):
def vmvnc(json):
""" invoke vnc ticket """
slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.queryvm(cubeid)
slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host, vm_owner = grid.query(json)
proxobject = auth(slave_name)
#slave_name = proxobject.c:luster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> invoking vnc ticket for %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, vm_type, vm_id, vm_host))
#slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
ioconfig.logger.info('%s[%s]> invoking vnc ticket for %s %s (%s)' % (vm_owner, slave_name, unit_type, phy_id, vm_host))
if vm_type == 'kvm':
ticket = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).vncproxy.post(websocket=1)
#socket = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(vm_id).vncwebsocket.get(port=ticket['port'],
if unit_type == 'kvm':
ticket = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).vncproxy.post(websocket=1)
#socket = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu(phy_id).vncwebsocket.get(port=ticket['port'],
# vncticket=ticket['ticket'])
if vm_type == 'lxc':
ticket = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).vncproxy.post()
#socket = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(vm_id).vncwebsocket.get(port=ticket['port'],
if unit_type == 'lxc':
ticket = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).vncproxy.post()
#socket = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc(phy_id).vncwebsocket.get(port=ticket['port'],
# vncticket=ticket['ticket'])
slaveip = ioconfig.parser.get(str(slave_name), 'ipv4')
@ -311,14 +302,19 @@ def vmvnc(cubeid):
return response
#def getmyip():
# s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
# s.connect(("gmail.com",80))
# myip = s.getsockname()[0]
# s.close
# return myip
def vmlist(proxobject):
""" get unit list """
#we keep a single node proxmoxes so node id = 0
slave_name = proxobject.cluster.status.get()[0]['name']
query_kvm = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).qemu.get()
query_lxc = proxobject.nodes(slave_name).lxc.get()
for kvm_dict in query_kvm:
kvm_dict['vmtype'] = 'kvm'
for lxc_dict in query_lxc:
lxc_dict['vmtype'] = 'lxc'
vmlist = query_kvm + query_lxc #merge machine list
return vmlist
if __name__ == '__main__':
#internal module tests
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def welcome():
logger.info('# proxmaster ][ (c) 2015-2017 deflax.net #')
def selector(fn, req, vmid=0):
def selector(fn, req):
""" try to exec commands """
json = req.context['doc']
@ -35,43 +35,35 @@ def selector(fn, req, vmid=0):
return status, body
if fn == 'vmcreate':
body = plugin.vmcreate(json)
if fn == 'create':
body = plugin.create(json)
elif fn == 'remove':
body = plugin.remove(json)
elif fn == 'status':
body = plugin.status(json)
elif fn == 'vmremove':
body = plugin.vmremove(vmid)
elif fn == 'vmstatus':
body = plugin.vmstatus(vmid)
elif fn == 'vmsuspend':
body = plugin.vmsuspend(vmid)
elif fn == 'vmresume':
body = plugin.vmresume(vmid)
elif fn == 'vmstart':
body = plugin.vmstart(vmid)
elif fn == 'vmshutdown':
body = plugin.vmshutdown(vmid)
elif fn == 'vmstop':
body = plugin.vmstop(vmid)
elif fn == 'start':
body = plugin.start(json)
elif fn == 'shutdown':
body = plugin.shutdown(json)
elif fn == 'stop':
body = plugin.stop(json)
elif fn == 'suspend':
body = plugin.suspend(json)
elif fn == 'resume':
body = plugin.resume(json)
elif fn == 'vmrrd':
body = plugin.vmrrd(vmid)
body = plugin.vmrrd(json)
elif fn == 'vmvnc':
body = plugin.vmvnc(vmid)
body = plugin.vmvnc(json)
logger.critical('grid> {} error'.format(fn))
status = falcon.HTTP_404
#logger.info('grid> {} ok'.format(fn))
logger.info('grid> {}'.format(fn))
status = falcon.HTTP_202
return status, body
@ -135,85 +127,74 @@ def max_body(limit):
return hook
class CreateResource(object):
class CreateUnit(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp):
"""Create a cluster node, returns array of: status, vmid, pass, ipv4, """
logger.info('grid> create new cube')
resp.status, response = selector('vmcreate', req)
""" creates an unit """
resp.status, response = selector('create', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class RemoveResource(object):
class RemoveUnit(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
""" remove machine completely"""
logger.info('grid> remove ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmremove', req, vmid)
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" removes unit completely"""
resp.status, response = selector('remove', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class StatusResource(object):
class StatusUnit(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
""" check vm status """
logger.info('grid> status ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmstatus', req, vmid)
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" checks unit status """
resp.status, response = selector('status', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class SuspendResource(object):
class SuspendUnit(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" Temporary suspend the instance """
#logger.info('grid> suspend ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmsuspend', req, vmid)
resp.status, response = selector('suspend', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class ResumeResource(object):
class ResumeUnit(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" Unuspend the instance """
#logger.info('grid> resume ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmresume', req, vmid)
resp.status, response = selector('resume', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class StartResource(object):
class StartUnit(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" Start the instance """
logger.info('grid> start ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmstart', req, vmid)
resp.status, response = selector('start', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class ShutdownResource(object):
class ShutdownUnit(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" ACPI Shutdown the instance """
logger.info('grid> shutdown ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmshutdown', req, vmid)
resp.status, response = selector('shutdown', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class StopResource(object):
class StopUnit(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" Stop the instance """
logger.info('grid> stop ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmstop', req, vmid)
resp.status, response = selector('stop', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class RRDResource(object):
class RRDVM(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" Generate rrd pngs """
#logger.info('grid> rrd ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmrrd', req, vmid)
resp.status, response = selector('vmrrd', req)
req.context['result'] = response
class VNCResource(object):
class VNCVM(object):
@falcon.before(max_body(64 * 1024))
def on_post(self, req, resp, vmid):
def on_post(self, req, resp):
""" Create a VNC link to the instance """
logger.info('grid> vnc ' + str(vmid))
resp.status, response = selector('vmvnc', req, vmid)
resp.status, response = selector('vmvnc', req)
req.context['result'] = response
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -225,35 +206,18 @@ wsgi_app = api = application = falcon.API(middleware=[
# setup routes
res_create = CreateResource()
api.add_route('/vmcreate', res_create)
api.add_route('/create', CreateUnit())
api.add_route('/remove', RemoveUnit())
api.add_route('/status', StatusUnit())
res_remove = RemoveResource()
api.add_route('/vmremove/{vmid}', res_remove)
api.add_route('/start', StartUnit())
api.add_route('/suspend', SuspendUnit())
api.add_route('/resume', ResumeUnit())
api.add_route('/shutdown', ShutdownUnit())
api.add_route('/stop', StopUnit())
res_status = StatusResource()
api.add_route('/vmstatus/{vmid}', res_status)
res_suspend = SuspendResource()
api.add_route('/vmsuspend/{vmid}', res_suspend)
res_resume = ResumeResource()
api.add_route('/vmresume/{vmid}', res_resume)
res_start = StartResource()
api.add_route('/vmstart/{vmid}', res_start)
res_shutdown = ShutdownResource()
api.add_route('/vmshutdown/{vmid}', res_shutdown)
res_stop = StopResource()
api.add_route('/vmstop/{vmid}', res_stop)
res_rrd = RRDResource()
api.add_route('/vmrrd/{vmid}', res_rrd)
res_vnc = VNCResource()
api.add_route('/vmvnc/{vmid}', res_vnc)
api.add_route('/vmrrd', RRDVM())
api.add_route('/vmvnc', VNCVM())
#display motd
Add table
Reference in a new issue